Concept Human Power Plant:
Kris De Decker & Melle Smets
Construction prototype HPP:
Work Songs:
Mark Thur
Artists impressions HPP:
Golnar Abbasi
Arvand Pourabbasi
Pietro Degli Esposti
Melle Smets
Kris De Decker
Jos van Gemert
Pim Rooymans
Franklin van Doesburg & Robin Bhaggan
Mark Thur
Dirk Wijnalda
David White
Bram Rombouts
Go APE! - Art Park of Energy
ISA bewegingsanalyse
Jeu de Paume
Archipel / Rooftoptiger
Low Tech Magazine
Sportcentrum Olympus
Stichting Science Park
Instrumentatie Beta (Universiteit Utrecht)
Institute Engineering & Design (Hogeschool Utrecht)
Gemeente Utrecht
HU Digitale Media & Communicatie en Communicatie & Multimedia Design (Hoge School Utrecht )
HU Faculteit Natuur en Techniek
Commissioned by:
Department of Search
Melle [at] departmentofsearch [dot] nl
Kris [at] lowtechmagazine [dot] com